There are many requirements, which a dental technician expects of a pin system. Individual habits, wishes and situations have therefore always required individual solutions.

You are in the exactly the right place with us, with these high demands. Our developed pin systems have set new standards in dental technology. For example our Bi‐Pins are manufactured in a special process. In addition, every pin/sleeve combination is coordinated in an elaborate manufacturing process. With our special plastic sleeves for Bi‐V‐Pin and Prof‐Fix, Renfert have successfully produced easy gliding and completely uniform friction behavior.

It is very important for dental technicians that they can rely on the products they use. Special manufacturing processes, highest quality material and extensive quality controls enable uncompromising precision in the range. This allows us to guarantee the maximum degree of process reliability.

Narrow, short model pin with optimum insertion into metal sleeve.

• Precise, conical fit of the pins into the sleeve.
• Produces flat bases.
• Reduced plaster processing ensures reduced expansion within
   the model.
• Ideal for crowded spaces e.g. anterior area.
• Particularly narrow retention head (1.6 mm) for delicate dies.


Smart-Pin 1,000 Pines
Sleeves for Smart-Pins, 1,000 pieces